Through the advent of the Internet and the opportunity to publish my written works to the masses, I have decided to create a "web log", commonly known as a "blog." My blog is entitled "Herron Speaks" as it is available on the Internet now. Welcome! You have arrived my blog -
Before the advent of the Internet, thought provoking writers had an audience consisting of either themselves (as in journaling), another individual (as in letter writing) without professionally publishing. Yet, through today's technology, authors have the ability to write and publish freely to audiences across the Internet, often in the form of a blog. There are some important terms that must be understood in order to comprehend the concept of blogging.
Let's begin with the definition of the term "blog."
Blog: A type of Internet website, consisting of chronicled commentary, presented in written, photo, audio or video fashion. When one combines the concept of using the "web" to create a "log" it is called a "blog."
Blogger: One who publishes a blog.
Blogging: The act of publishing a blog, reviewing a blog, or exchanging with a blogger.
Blogosphere: The web-based environment consisting of the totality of blogs that exist.
We now live in a computerized age. What a cultural shock! You will need a computer to compete, while age is no barrier for learning. Writing a blog will be weekly, reading can be instant, fresh and previous published materials will be used, while production cost will be minimal.
I look forward to such writing with great anticipation. A new and different endeavor is fascinating. Of my 81 years of life's existence, I have been blessed in academic studies, pastorates, denominational administration, leadership in genealogical services, producing a class newsletter and now creating a blog through the electric media. I look forward to continuing to share my thoughts through my blog.