Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Final Words With A Spiritual Flavor (by Alene Kate Stewart McCorkle)

Blog 70

My Final Words With A Spiritual Flavor
Alene Kate Stewart McCorkle

(This is the fourth in a series of articles written by Mrs. McCorkle
 as promised in blog 67 which you should read first for background.)

I’ve been thinking hard about my final words for the last edition of the Second Ward High School NEWSLETTER. First, I thought about telling you why it is so great to belong to the Black Race. This is the greatest race on earth with experiences and accomplishments. We are not surpassed by anyone. We have endured slavery, been to outer space and now can identify with the President of the United States of America who in my opinion, is the most important person in the world..
I am omitting sports, music, art, inventions, etc. It used to be, lets get a foot in the door first, now it is getting a toe in. You already know about these things. So, I have turned my thoughts to other things you may know about as Christians. I am giving you a list of spiritual telephone phone numbers which you can use at any time. These numbers may be dialed directly, no operator’s assistance is needed, the line is opened 24 hours- 7 days a week.
Special phone numbers:
1.      When in sorrow= John II
2.      When men fail you= Ps. 27
3.      When you have sinned= Ps. 51
4.      When you worry=Matt.6:19-34
5.      When you are in danger=Ps.91
6.      When God seems far away=Ps. 139
7.      When your faith needs stirring=Heb. 11
8.      When you are lonely and fearful=Ps.23
9.      When you grow bitter and critical= I Corin. 13
10.  When you feel down and out= Rom. 8:1-30
11.  When you want peace and rest= Matt. 11: 25-30
12.  When the world seems bigger than God= Ps.90
13.  When you want Christian assurance= Rom. 8:1-30
14.  When you leave home for labor or travel=Ps. 121
15.  When your prayers grow narrow and selfish= Ps. 67
16.  When you want courage for a task= Joshua I
17.  When you think of investment and returns= Mark 10
18.  When you are depressed Ps. 27
19.  When your pocket-book is empty Ps. 37
20.  When you loose confidence in people= I Corin. 13
21.  When people seem unkind= John 15
22.  When you are discouraged about your work= Ps. 126
23.  When your self-pride or greatness takes hold= Ps. 19
24.  When you need understanding of Christianity= II Corin. 5:15-19
25.  When you need to be fruitful= John 15
26.  When you need to know how to get along with fellow men=Romans 12
27.  When you want to know Paul’s secret to happiness=Col. 3:12-17
28.  When you are dealing with fear=Ps. 3:47
29.  When you need assurance= Mark 8:35
30.  When you need reassurance= Ps. 145:15

Feed your faith and doubt will starve to death. Norma Cornett Marek wrote a beautiful poem, “Tomorrow Never Comes” which can benefit us all. Maybe you would like to read and live by it.

Tomorrow Never Comes
Norma Cornett Marek

If I knew it would be the last time
That I’d see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in tightly,
And pray the Lord your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
That I’d see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and a kiss
And call you back for just one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I’d hear your voice lifted up in praise
I would tape each word and action
And play them back throughout my days.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would spend an extra minute or two,
to stop and say “I Love you.”
instead of assuming you know I do.

So just in case tomorrow never comes
And today is all I get
I’d like to say how much I love you
And hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
You get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you are waiting for tomorrow
Why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes
You’ll surely regret the day

That you didn’t take that extra time
For a smile, a hug or a kiss.
And you were too busy to grant someone
What turned out to be their one last wish

So hold your loved ones close today,
And whisper in their ear,
Tell them you love them very much, and
You’ll always hold them dear.

Take time to say, “I’m sorry,”
“please forgive me,” “thank you” or “it is O.K.”
and if tomorrow never comes,
you’ll have no regrets about today.

The following are scenes from the 96th birthday luncheon
Pictures by William C. Youngblood

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