Friday, July 1, 2011

Blog 61 - My 1947 Autographic Journal

Blog 61

My 1947 Autographic Journal:
Human Interest Notes, Genealogical Data and Prophecy

Vernon M. Herron

I had a blessed experience today. Reviewing some memorabilia stored away in a strong arm box, I saw the clock of time turned back to 1947, sixty four years ago. I found my one and only worn autographic journal in which fellow high school class mates, teachers and renowned world personalities had penned words of greetings. You will recall that the signatures of those great people were carried in blog 59. I was moved with a sense of awe and delight to read the sentiments of fellow classmates and former beloved teachers, because their writings constituted human interest stories, genealogical data and a bit of prophecy.

Human Interest Story

Seventy eight persons constituted the number of High School graduates in the class of ’47. Of that number, eight classmates found the love of their lives within the group and because of it, the eight became four couples. Within that context, here is the irony of it all. This is a true story. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Classmate Bill’s girl friend was classmate Susie. My girl friend was classmate Alice. All four of us were the best of friends. Eventually, Bill married my former girl friend Alice while I married Bill’s former girl friend Susie. And we all lived happily ever afterward. (Of course, as you may know, both wives passed.)

Genealogical Data

The above reminds me of my father and his brother who married two sisters and their children were double cousins. Often in genealogical study, we see family members often marrying their relatives due to confinement, geography and population limitation. (See marriage limitation in blog 34 on Family Relation.)

Finding my autographic journal reminds me of the variety of family records, papers and memorabilia which may contain genealogical information and can be found in the home. Family Bible, old letters, newspaper clippings and photographs may often have genealogical value.

Other family papers and memorabilia found in the home may include diaries, journals, letters, deed, wills, marriage certificates, patriotic and fraternal organization papers, military records, photographs and other items. Take a second look at your memorabilia in the home.


In my journal, a most revealing autography was written by a Mrs. Bernidine Pinkney, now 97 years young. She taught me English, Drama and Human Relationship. Sixty four years ago, Mrs. Pinkney wrote in my journal the following:

May 28, 1947

Dear Vernon,

Knowing you has been a pleasure. In the future, may you realize your dreams. One day, I shall sit in an audience and enjoy hearing a sermon that you will preach.


Bernidine Pinkney

Twenty seven years later (1974), when I was on national staff of The American Baptist Churches, one Sunday I was the guest preacher at The First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill, Memphis, Tenn., when Dr. Kelly Miller Smith was the pastor. Lo, and behold, in comes Mrs. Pinkney to worship and to hear her former student speak. Needless to say, I immediately went to cloud nine. Now re-reading Mrs. Pinkney’s desire this day in 2011, as written sixty four years ago and fulfilled twenty seven years later, is really prophecy fulfilled.

Another treasured teacher’s note comes from Mrs A. S. McCorkle, our homeroom teacher, now 94 years young. She wrote:

Dear Vernon:

If you improve as much in the next 4 years as you did in the past 4 years, success will be yours. Keep up the good work.


11th & 12th grade teacher

A.S. Mc Corkle

Thanks to all!

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