Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blog 153: Setting a New Numerical Goal

By Vernon M. Herron

     After writing my first blog, it brought on a bit of relief, because of its content, analysis, style, relevancy, format, reading comfort and vision. A numerical goal of writing 50 blogs, then publishing the same in book form was established as our first goal. Yet, after reaching blog 50, I refused to give up the mental therapy which brought joy and alertness, creativity, new ideas, significant relationships with people and spiritual growth.

     I immediately passed the 50th goal mark and established 100 as the new goal, then publish the book. This was done. The new numerical goal is to write 200 blogs and then evaluate. At this point, there is an urgency to continue blogging which has become a cooperative enterprise. I do not work alone; others help. They include an illustrator, proof reader, technician, photographer, guest writers, poster, field staff, public library, local churches, etc. (See blog 100 for further discussion.)

     People often inquire about my health, wondering how long I will be able to write blogs. I respond by saying. “Sometimes I am up and sometimes I am down. But thank God for life.”

     Some few weeks ago, we all experienced a break in my blog writing because of declining health. But with the doctor’s help, drinking Ensure and Boost, regaining lost weight and your prayers, I am back in print, writing blogs.

     We now are at blog 153, with ten more on the drawing board. Future blog subjects include:
            Expressions from Blog Readers
            Genealogical Education (3): Census Data
            Genealogical Education (4) Cemeteries
            Genealogical Education (5) Black Genealogy
            What the Comprehensive Genealogical Services Did
            Meet Leon D. Gill

     I repeat, we now set a new numerical goal of 200 blogs then publish a second book. You are probably wondering what plans do I have after the goal of publishing blog 200 is reached?

     I have an idea! A blog reader from a sister state has shown great interest and writing skills in blogging. I have known him since high school days. I am impressed with his research skills and I am encouraging him to become a blogger. With your permission (all objections sustained), I will give him my blogging roster; I will guest-write with him according to inspiration, thereby maintaining a tradition.

     What do you think of this idea? Let me hear!    

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